couple dining in hawker place in Singapore

Date Ideas When in Singapore

Spice up your love life by doing away with those routine date nights. Instead, experience something more novel with your special someone.

Here are some ideas for inspiration:

Nature Stroll

With Singapore’s wide selection of parks, beaches, and reservoirs, there’s hardly any shortage of places where you can go for a leisurely stroll. With verdant surroundings, the gentle breeze, and the sound of flowing water around you, there’s no better way to wind down than being in the company of your loved one and Mother Nature.

Own the Night

Instead of going to your usual dig at night, mesmerise your loved one with a night out — literally. You can go camping or glamping (glam and camping). Spend the night looking at the stars and in each other’s eyes in the privacy of your fairytale-inspired tent. Romance is in the air and you’ll be soaked in it.

Be Couch Potatoes for the Evening


Romantic doesn’t have to be expensive. Instead of going out, you always have the choice to stay at home, binge-watch your favourite Netflix shows, and for good measure, enjoy some well-deserved thin crust pizza. Chilling in the comfort of their home can be a refreshing, relaxing experience especially for busy couples.

Get the Adrenaline Going

Siloso Beach in Singapore

Science has long discovered that falling in love cause a surge in adrenaline in your body, which explains the butterflies in your stomach, the restlessness, and the pitter-patter of your heart. So when drunk with love and soaked with adrenaline, might as well go on a heart-thumping adventure with your beloved. You can pool your intellectual power and think your way out of escape rooms. Or experience some thrilling action at the AJ Hackett’s Singapore Outpost in Siloso Beach, Sentosa where you can go bungee jumping and experience the exhilarating Great Swing.

Spend Quality Time with Furry Companions

Do you share a common love for animals? Then invite your loved one to spend some time in the company of those furry friends. Singapore is home to many animal shelters where you can volunteer at. Who knows? Maybe after some cuddle time, you may even fall in love with one of the dogs and decide to take one home. Some notable places include Animal Lovers League, SPCA, and Causes for Animals. Similarly, you and your date can hang out with farm animals at Farmart Centre.

Go on a Food Trip

If you and your date are foodies, then the entire city can be your playground. From Michelin-starred restaurants offering finely prepared meals to the down-to-earth food destination like hawker centres, Singapore’s culinary scene is wide-ranging in terms of the types of cuisine and price tag.

There are lots of activities and places you can take your date to. But what’s important is that you have a blast whether in the comfort of your home or at some fine-dining restaurant somewhere. After all, it’s not the place nor the activity that makes the date meaningful — it’s the bond that you share and the memories etched forever in your mind (and heart).


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