Woman smiling

Going Solo: Three Tips for Travelling Alone

People who are used to travelling in a group often describe their first solo trip as a unique and mind-opening experience. Some even say that travelling alone has changed their life. Although having someone with you is always great, there is something special about going on an international solo tour. Perhaps you want to get a Sentosa Merlion ticket or even take a hike to enjoy the green hilltops of Singapore.

Travelling alone gives you the luxury of going wherever you want without thinking of anyone else. Sounds too enticing, right? If you have always wondered how it feels like to travel alone, here are a few things that you can do to make your first trip fun and memorable.

Talk to Locals

It can be tempting just to stay in your hotel or visit only the top tourist sites in the area. But you will not be able to discover more if you stay in one corner. Talking to locals can help you learn more about the place, as well its history and culture. You can also ask your concierge for any less crowded spots that you can visit to make your trip special.

Make New Friends When Dining

Women eating

Many people hate dining by themselves. But eating alone is not as bad as you might think. If you are planning to become a solo traveller, you need to learn how to overcome your fear and turn it into something more positive.

One way of doing so is by chatting with the service crew. The service people sometimes turn out to be some of the best locals that you can talk to learn about the place. You can talk to fellow lone travellers, too. Outdoor dining and coffee shops are some of the most common hangout places of individual travellers. You will often find them sitting alone while reading a book or looking at their cameras.

Stay Away From the Single Supplement

Most frequent solo travellers are familiar with how single supplements work. These are charges that tour operators, hotels and other travel businesses charge on your bill whenever you get their services. This can range between 25 and 100% of your total trip expenses. So, getting a supplement charge could mean that you would be paying twice as much as what you are supposed to pay.

Luckily, there are ways you can avoid the single supplement charge. One is to not get services from a tour operator that provides roommate matching. You can also save money by making reservations at the last minute. Several tour operators are often too eager to sell all the last few places that they are often willing to reduce their single supplement.

Travelling alone can be a completely new unique experience for you. You will get to discover things about yourself that you would not usually know when you are flying with someone or a group. If you are planning to travel alone, make sure to keep your belongings as well as your documents checked before anything else.


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