Woman pregnant sitting on the couch

Here’s How to Throw the Best Baby Shower

Having a baby is one of the best excuses to throw a party. The soon-to-be parents, as well as their closest friends and family, are all excited about the baby. So, whether you are the host or the parents of the little bundle of joy, learning the basics of party planning is a must to ensure its success. But where do you start?

There are several things that you need to consider to make it fun for everyone. Here are a few tips that can help make the party memorable for you and your guests.

Choose a Theme

You need to set up a theme if you are planning for a baby shower party. Doing so will make it much easier for you to design the invitation, party favours, decors and even the food. You can design your own cake online with the overall look and feel of the party in mind. Try to think of cute or sweet ideas to help you find the best theme for the baby shower party.

Select the Best Time and Date

You can ask your closest friends to come up with the best time and date for the party. Most people hold the baby shower when the soon-to-be mom is almost seven months pregnant. This period is the best time for the expectant mom since she is still comfortable with her pregnancy.

The period will also give the parents enough time to organise the gifts after the baby shower and then figure out all the other things that they still need to buy before the baby arrives.

Create a Guest List and Set a Budget

Receptionist showing the guest listOnce you and your friends have already set the time and date, you can now come up with the guest list for the party. You should also come up with a budget and do your best to stick to it. Doing so will give you a better idea on what venue to choose as well as the food that you will serve.

Pick a Venue

You should consider the season, your budget and the number of guests when selecting a venue for the party. If you have an extensive guest list or a bigger budget, then you might want to consider a hotel or a fancy restaurant.

Another option is to do in a park especially if you are planning to host it in fall or summer. However, ensure that you ask the local park department to know if you need a permit or not. You also need to have a backup plan in case the weather changes.

Send Out the Invitations

You should send the invites at least six weeks before the baby shower. This will give your guest ample time to prepare for the event and reserve the date. They will also have time to shop for gifts and even find a babysitter if they need one. You can do it traditionally by sending one through the mail or send an email invitation to let them know about the shower party.

These are just a few of the things that you need to consider when planning for a baby shower party. You can make it extra special by designing your cake online to give it a personal touch.


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